ASCENDING with Affirmations!

Fundamentally an affirmation is a sentence which has nothing negative in it.

In simple sense, it’s a positive statement. The word affirmation comes from the Latin word ‘Affirmare’ that is, ‘To Affirm’- means, the action of affirming, to allow something positive.

Words have always been known to hold power in them.

It is known from ancient times that ‘Words have their own vibration “. Most religions have the practice of reciting words, together in certain numbers of times in the form of Mantras, Tasbeeh or Rosary.

The purpose behind it is to raise vibrations and bring in positivity. Affirmations are in similar lines to that of mantras (Mann = mind/Antara = inside).

Positive suggestions from gurus, teachers, doctors, and priests have always been known to influence the individual psyche and thereby their response to situations in life.

Based on these observations, around the later part of the eighteenth-century French Pharmacist and Psychologist Emile Couve came up with the idea of “auto suggestion’ and found it of great benefit in the emotional, mental as well as physical development of the individual.

“Every day in every way, I am getting better and better!” was one of his prescription suggestions to all his patients which is even popular till date as a golden mantra for holistic enhancement in daily life.

Louise Hay in the twentieth century, a pioneer in consciousness and metaphysic with her best-seller book “You can Heal your life” raised the scale for using affirmations in daily life including for physical ailments at an altogether different level. Affirmations are popular as new age Mantras with those who are sincere practitioners of self-work. Following Louise Hay, there have been self-help teachers who have been propagating the use of a variety of affirmations for mental, emotional, behavioural, financial as well as spiritual upliftment.

An affirmation can work at all levels. But by and large, its impact is broadly at two things – motivational and transformational. It is a great manifestation tool. The Key to its effectiveness lies in non-compromising, constant and repetitive use. Its function is like that of computer programming and plays a great role in mental programming and Influencing neurologically and thereby rewiring the brain and influencing neuroplasticity of the brain.

Its application is simple and calls for a non-compromising determination as well as a strong belief in practising consistently. As Victoria Erikson states: “Consistency is an underappreciated form of Intentional Magic disguised as mundane doing”. – Truly is applicable in the case of the Use of affirmations just as for self-healing and spiritual practice.

Any affirmation can be chanted 21 times and for a minimum of 21 days to bring in its Magical transformation. The ideal time is just before going to sleep and immediately waking up which is time for a natural hypnotic trance. Latter makes the efficiency and affectivity of affirmations multifold.

Affirmations written daily can be effective too as writing is subconscious activity, more so when you are writing with a non-dominant hand. It can influence neurologically to bring transformational shift.

However, affirmations are spoken aloud or silently are from a conscious mind state. Hence many times succumb to negation, self-doubt and resistance that comes from the conscious mind. Thereby best way affirmation can reap benefits is by giving in the subconscious state – while in a hypnotic trance.

Affectivity of Affirmations increases 6000 times when given as suggestions in hypnotic trance through hypnotherapist or through self-hypnosis by own self

Affirmation can be practiced as standalone self-healing practice.

However results are rewarding when it is used as adjunct to therapy esp. regression therapy

Latter therapy releases the deep rooted self-sabotaging patterns at the level of thought feeling emotions from its source and affirmation work done in hypnotic trance through self-hypnosis sets strong foundation for new chosen set of thought emotion pattern an beliefs.

Affirmations are immensely useful self-healing tool for manifestation and transformation of self in all areas of life –health relationships, wealth and spiritual growth

What affirmation would you choose to start today with?


Ascend and uplift vibrationally with consistent diligent use of affirmations …

How is DNA linked to Ancestral Healing?

Paying homage to ancestors is since the times of primitive men.
Primitive men worshipped the sun, stars and the elements of nature.

As human civilization grew different religions laid down some rules and conditions for better living individually and collectively.
One such of the many as commonly found in several religions is a day/night or few days kept reserved for worshipping ancestors.

In alignment with their beliefs and accessibility, each religion suggested activities to be carried out on the days reserved through fasting, prayers offering food etc
Over time as it passed down to further generations it emerged as rituals/practices which was blindly followed.

Though some of the rituals are dogmatically followed and carried forward as a tradition by many even today there are people spiritually inclined who with some awareness pursue it with faith to restore its essence.

In spiritual parlance, it is akin to reverence and praying for the peace of ancestors, it is recognised as Ancestral healing  by spiritual modality practitioners

It is more of a misnomer when we say ancestral healing…
As it is more of self-healing that is attained through the practices undertaken for the peace and reverence to ancestors…

The reason being technically speaking ancestors who are in the spirit are more so gone and on another side…wouldn’t require any healing.
It is their unfinished business, unfulfillment, longing and attachment to those in their family in the here and now that keeps the transmission of the same that shows up as repetitive patterns that run through families.

These repetitive patterns could be restrictive and sabotaging at the level of health, relationships, and financial blocks, thereby practices done with awareness connects the doer and his/her family to bring peace with their ancestors i.e spirit world, as much as to the present and future generations.

There is a dilemma if these rituals have any scientific basis:
This gets explained through the science of epigenetics and how we respond to our generic inheritance of attributes, beliefs and behaviour patterns.
The fact that each of us carries traits attributed to beliefs and thought patterns in our DNA which are passed down to us through our ancestors …just as we too pass on further to future generations.

“We are what we are not just  by what we see in our external reality but what we carry in each one of us through the genes in our DNA”

What we feel and believe about what we carry as our traits activates the corresponding gene to either impact us in a large way or remain dormant and insignificant.

We unconsciously imbibe in what our ancestors think feel and believe which becomes patterns of behaviour through our conditioning.

Hence when there are deeply embedded stuck in patterns in our different aspects of life getting conscious of what we carry from ancestors is the doorway to go beyond. what we are genetically wired

Pitrupaksha and similar rituals had been designed to pray for peace and well-being of the ancestors who may have died with some unfinished business in any area of life or an unfulfilled life.
In those days of war famine and such disasters were quite possible food and some basic necessities were a vital element to be part of the well-being .and fulfilment which gets carried forward via rituals.
Today’s mere ritualistic way may not be sufficient to mitigate the unresolved and unprocessed baggage from our ancestors. Modern man needs to  be more conscious  with  awareness of the unfinished business with the ancestors
Hence working within one’s inner space with any unfinished business or unprocessed emotions of ancestors goes a large way in healing oneself as the one who is working with emotions and thoughts can get conscious and bring an end to unconscious sabotaging traits n thought patterns carried forward through generation.
It works two ways as much as bringing peace in the spiritual realm for ancestors while it opens the doorway to unleash all that is held back by way of limiting beliefs, sabotaging behaviour with the unfulfilled ending of the ancestor’s life

In today’s time, we are fortunate to have access to this realm of ancestor’s mental states with their unprocessed thought and unresolved emotions impacting the current reality of the present generation through Ancestral healing via Hypnotherapy, Transpersonal regression therapy and the Family constellation route.

Different modalities mentioned above have the potential to free the current stuck reality of the present generation from the ancestral burden and open to their blessings and positive vibes.

Hypnotherapy : Simplified and demystified

Hypnosis is a natural state of awareness and occurs several times a day unaware!

Change in the Mind Set is possible Only through Trance I.e hypnotic state.where one is accessing the subconscious mind.

Transformation gets actualised through the state of Trance (state of subconscious mind).

State of subconscious mind is the
space of magical transformation.

Hypnotherapy facilitates one to Access the state of subconscious mind where the trance state allows magical transformation of the realitynvis a vis any area of the life
and go beyond the current reality.

Subconscious mind is the source of all past present and future experiences and hence easy access to all the realities that you have created in the past and can choose to create what you desire .

Subconscious is like a repertoire of experiences with its accompanying thoughts feelings emotions and belief systems and accompanying limitations .
Subconscious also operates on autopilot mode. And keeps perpetuating the reality automatically unless one’s conscious awareness chooses to stop it. and chooses to step up the program and its bandwidth.

Hypnotic trance helps you to Access “the source of where one is locked or stuck in a certain reality and operating from the outdated or limiting programs”.

Like one is having a hard disk of Microsoft software with outdated “old program of windows”which automatically slows down and has limited bandwidth.
Likes some old programs are adulterated with virus and requires anti virus installed. That’s how one can deactivate virus /corrupt files of traumatic events of past and present by going through self healing programs likes of different kinds of meditation andup gradation of curriculum of self growth and selfawareness of ones mind and consciousness.

Hypnotic state is like that of meditation.Healing sessions and workshops of clinical Hypnotherapy and Access consciousness facilitate defragmentation of hard disk of out Mind and act like Antivirus kits and create more space for clarity ease and self growth and well being.
These classes gives you manual with operating system of your mind and tools and techniques to activate and upgrade it as well as expand the bandwidth of consciousness.

Hypnotherapy enables one to find the key to Unlock the limitations beliefs redundant programs that keeps you stuck and helpless in the current reality.

Hypnotherapy is about accessing your inner healing powers & resources to what your soul knows it all..While soul knows it all challenge is to Silence the Mind .
Your conscious mind is always thinking analysing judging deciding concluding n logicising while your subconscious mind is actually the reservoir of past present and future and has logical answers for your illogical situations in life .

Hypnotherapy facilitates one to bring Conscious awareness of Unconscious choices .It awakens the soul power and expands the bandwidth of consciousness .As a consequence one can tap in higher vibrations and can change ones life situations with ease.

Hypnosis is a natural state of awareness and occurs several times a day unaware

Change in the Mind Set is possible Only through Trance I.e hypnotic state.where one is accessing the subconscious mind.

Transformation gets actualised through the state of Trance (state of subconscious mind).

State of a subconscious mind is the
space of magical transformation.

Hypnotherapy facilitates one to Access the state of subconscious mind where the trance state allows magical transformation of the realitynvis a vis any area of the life
and go beyond the current reality.

Subconscious mind is the source of all past present and future experiences and hence easy access to all the realities that you have created in the past and can choose to create what you desire .

Subconscious is like a repertoire of experiences with its accompanying thoughts feelings emotions and belief systems and accompanying limitations .
Subconscious also operates on autopilot mode. And keeps perpetuating the reality automatically unless one’s conscious awareness chooses to stop it. and chooses to step up the program and its bandwidth.

Hypnotic trance helps you to Access “the source of where one is locked or stuck in a certain reality and operating from the outdated or limiting programs”.

Like one is having a hard disk of Microsoft software with outdated “old program of windows”which automatically slows down and has limited bandwidth.
Likes some old programs are adulterated with virus and requires anti virus installed. That’s how one can deactivate virus /corrupt files of traumatic events of past and present by going through self healing programs likes of different kinds of meditationandupgradation curriculum of self growth and selfawareness of ones mind and consciousness.

Hypnotic state is like that of meditation.Healing sessions and workshops of clinical Hypnotherapy and Access consciousness facilitate defragmentation of hard disk of out Mind and act like Antivirus kits and create more space for clarity ease and self growth and well being.
These classes gives you manual with operating system of your mind and tools and techniques to activate and upgrade it as well as expand the bandwidth of consciousness.

Hypnotherapy enables one to find the key to Unlock the limitations beliefs redundant programs that keeps you stuck and helpless in the current reality.

Hypnotherapy is about accessing your inner healing powers & resources to what your soul knows it all..While soul knows it all challenge is to Silence the Mind .
Your conscious mind is always thinking analysing judging deciding concluding n logicising while your subconscious mind is actually the reservoir of past present and future and has logical answers for your illogical situations in life .

Hypnotherapy facilitates one to bring Conscious awareness of Unconscious choices .It awakens the soul power and expands the bandwidth of consciousness .As a consequence one can tap in higher vibrations and can change ones life situations with ease.

A Healthy perspective to Disease – Through the scope of New age therapies

Health and Disease are inevitable existential reality of the human species. While health is always considered life enhancing; Disease is always considered life deteriorating. They seem to be counterparts  and so  inevitably focus is on  restoring health through interventions  medically or otherwise.
