Can I See My Past Life?

There is no straight answer to this!

If you want to know why and how …do read this post.

 It totally depends on the way a person perceived that experience in the past. Every experience is received through the senses and filtered through their perception, of how it has impacted them in the past. 

An experience can be felt through your five senses – how and what you see, you hear, you feel and as well as, how you smell and taste.

Many times at the start of regression work, the person feels overwhelmed by emotions and the visual inputs start to flow as most experiences are stored as visual images associated with emotions and feelings generated in the personal space of the client. 

 One of the commonest ways that people regress is through thoughts, emotions, feelings and sensations in the body which eventually evokes visual images that can be seen as an experience that they lived in the past and carries an impact on their psyche even in the present.

 However, it is just not restricted or limited to viewing images. Images would come eventually depending on the propensity of how much you are able to capture the content of that experience,  how it impacted you, and how you have interpreted it.  When taking you through the regression work, what we attempt to bring out is ‘that experience’ that your mind has stored and it influences how you are able to recall that stored memory.  

So the way it is stored is the way it can be retrieved.

There are cases, where people have regressed through the olfactory way, as peculiar smell took them back to the past in that specific experience, so it started with the smell, not with the visual and then the feelings that evoked images in the regression.

 Sometimes they can’t see anything in the past life experience because they were blind or blindfolded or were in a dark place and couldn’t see much or it could be a situation, where it was overwhelming that they passed out unconscious and unable to see things and situations around.


Remember! It’s not just about “seeing” the past life

It is more about retrieving the experience the way it was stored in your mind….